Dental Implants - Ash Kaushesh, DDS, Master Dentist
8390 East Via de Ventura f200, Scottsdale, AZ 85258
westlake village, CA 85258
Offered at Serenity Smiles Dentistry of Scottsdale
Dr. Ash Kaushesh profoundly understands how his focus, hands and efforts can make a difference in the quality of someone?s life. He is truly excited to help each patient he meets here at Serenity Smiles Dentistry of Scottsdale and in-spite of having performed hundreds of thousands of dental procedures through the years he treats each patient with the same high level of care and attention. With all the training and credentials Dr. Kaushesh has one might expect him to be arrogant but when you meet Dr. Ash you will find he is humble, genuine and caring.
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